HTML Text plays a very important role and it works as a backbone for web pages ,
many people know if a website contain a content, the search engine will always place your site on the top results, a good example is  Wikipedia ,this website contains a large
 data that's why Google place this website on the top result.HTML text is the basic thing for creating a web pages,i think its first chapter for beginners in the previous chapter we learn about the basic tags ,here is the starting i teach you how to put some content on the note pad or any other text editor with example and the results in the browser,now see

HTML Text Code:
    <title>My First Web Page!</title>
    Hello World! I am the body,your text area.

HTML Paragraph Text:
We know "Any content which contain one or more than  two lines they are called a Paragraph".And we also know that the arrangement of paragraph is very important and without arrangement it has no value,basically behind the scene many tags are working. 

html <p> code:
    <title>My First Web Page!</title>
    <p>Hello World,These tags are the paragraph tags</p>
    <p>These are used to arrange the paragraph.</p>

HTML Heading:
HTML heading is basically used to show the heading and subheadings.When we write the code <h1> the text is shown bold and font size is also increasing to 24pt,and its depends upon you which size do you want to show, heading tag is <h1> to <h6> h1 contains a large size of 24pt and the smaller size is h6 which contains the size of 8pt.

Heading Code:
  <h1>I am Heading 1</h1>
  <h2>I am Heading 2</h2>
  <h3>I am Heading 3</h3>
  <h4>I am Heading 4</h4>
  <h5>I am Heading 5</h5>
  <h6>I am Heading 6</h6>

Your Result:
here is the result in a browser,
Here you  Notice why every heading has a line break while i am not using the line  break tag  in the code .This is the built-in attribute with the heading tags ,when you use a heading tag that attribute is work automatically.

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