HTML Elements

HTML Elements,When you visit or land on a website the every thing on website like the page header,page content,paragraphs,navigation bars or the buttons, all are the HTML Elements.Basically the HTML elements is just the name to given any  piece or part of a webpage or just given to a name only,and we know that many html elements an invisible to visitors and they work behind the scene. There are many hundred and thousands of html elements but the most important elements are HTML,Head,Title,Body.

HTML Element Syntax
  • HTML Elements Starts with the Start Tag/Opening Tag.
  • HTML Elements End with the end Tag/Closing Tag.
  • HTML Elements Content is everything  between the opening and closing tags.
  • But Some HTML Elements Contain the Empty Content.
  • Empty HTML Elements end in the Opening tag.
Nested HTML Elements
We know that the most html elements can contain other HTML Elements.
HTML Documents contain nested  HTML Elements.
    <title>My First Web Page!</title>
    <p>This Is My Paragraph!</p>
The above example contains Four HTML Elements.Now i explain the  four element with the example
HTML- <html>Elements...</html>
Every web page is start with the HTML starting tag <html> and end with the ending tag</html> and it hold all the page content very beautifully and position to every web page nicely, <html>......</html> serves as the book cover to whole page .When you write your article in note pad or any editor and when you write <html> actually you tells the browser ,hay know i am starting to write something and when you write the HTML closing tag </html> it means that you tell the browser, my html document is finished.

basically it is the starting and closing tag of web page we start the web page from ,html> and end the html document with the closing tags</html>.
Now copy the above code and open your notepad or any other text editor and past the above code on it and save the file with index.html or (anything).html but if you save with the index.html its consider good.After saving the file you see the file is save in the type of browser now open this new web browser,and fresh the web page.You find a blank web is the your result in web browser.
Your Result:

HTML-<head> Element
Head Element is placed after the <html> elements and it is the element which result are not printed on the screen
while it is providing the good information  about the HTML Documents.Here in first tutorials the head elements is empty if you are not using the <title> tag.Here is a little example.

HTML Head Element Code Example:

HTML-<title> Element
The <title> element explain its meaning by its name.We can see the title on the top of web page or web browser or window and when we open a new web page or we landed on a new page the first thing we can  see is the web page title ,as a web developer i think that's a very important  for improving your site ,basically when we search about any article or any site on the Google or any other search engine different's sites are open,first of all we see the title  their description and URL and if we like their title and description then we visit.Shortly i want to saw a good title make a good impression of you site, that's all here is the example of web page title,

    <title>HTML Tutorials!</title>

Your Result:

on the top of web browser you see the title name with(HTML Tutorials!).Actually that is the the title of web page.

HTML-<body> Element
That body tag<body> is one of the most important element that is the element which encapsulate all the visible   elements on the web page like paragraph,contents,pictures,videos,tables the next tutorials we will discussed further on the body but now we only understand about the <body>.

    <title>HTML Tutorials!</title>
    <p>This is Your Content Area!</p>

Your Result:
Here is the your results on a web browser,

that's all.If you have any problem then please happily Contact US.

1 comment:

  1. >There are many hundred and thousands of html elements

    The html5 specification, as of today's writing, has 109 elements.

    To the reader: if you got this far, please find a more credible source.
