HTML Superscript

For the placing the superscript text in a website w use the <sup> tag.We can set id for these tags by using Cascading Style Sheets.Here i teach you,how to use the <sup> tag with the example, now see


<p>Here the text is <sup>superscripted!</sup></p>

Your Result:

Here the text is superscripted!

HTML Exponents
by using the <sup> tags we can also express the exponential see how can we use


2<sup>3</sup> = 8

Your Result:

23 = 8

html footnotes

we can also create the foot notes by using superscript <sup> tag.these superscripting text directs your see with example


<p>"this text directs your attention.<sup>1</sup>."
<hr />
1. Here is the example of <sup> tag.

Your Result:

"this text directs your attention1."

1. Here is the example of <sup> tag.

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