HTML Attributes

Now we explain about the HTML Attribution , Attribute basically provide the additional information about HTML Elements  and tells the browsers hoe to render the HTML Elements and the web browser looks these attributes as  guide ,for example we tell the browser to put  the given data into center of the web page then  the browser work.And shortly I can say HTML Attribute is responsible for customizing the web pages.An Attributes always come in values or pairs like, name="value" as we know that the Attributes are always placed in the start tag.
HTML-<align> Attribute
There are many HTML Attributes but the most important and commonly use for making the web pages is the 
HTML Align<align> attributes.Basically HTML Align Attributes is used to set the text,videos,or pictures etc...into different areas like, if you want to show that, your written text is placed on the center,left,or right side of your browser ,the Align attributes are used  to set your text or data on your desired place.Now i want to tell you with the examples.Now see,
Please note i am not repeat the html,head,title,and body tags again and again ,because we also read about that, that's why now i am directly write this code ,and once again, i tell you all the html coding is written between the <body>...</body> tags, Here is the example

<head><title>My Title</title></head>
<body><h2 align="center">This is displayed on centre</h2></body>

<h2 align="center">This is displayed on centre </h2>

Your Result:

HTML Align Attribute Code

<h2 align="left">This is Displayed on left</h2>

<h2 align="center">This is displayed on center</h2>

<h2 align="right">This is displayed on right</h2>

Your Result:
Your results in the browser for all align attributes.

that's all if you  have any problem than please happily contact us 

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