When we write the HTML tags in webpage,the browser is rendering the tags accordingly with the tags functions.For example, if the tag is about the<p> paragraph the browser is behaving content  with the  paragraph function and arrange your paragraph and similarly if you use the bold tag <b> the browser is rendering
and convert your simple  text into bold form it means when we write html coding in the notepad we are not only writing the tags we are also singling   the browser ,"here is the paragraph tag,here is the bold tag,and here is the heading tag. etc."
There are many tags used in html but here i tell you about the common html tags that are used in html,
1. <b>,<i>,<u>- Text formatting ,to display the data in bold,italic,and underlined form.
2. <ol>,<ul>,<li>- for displaying the data in ordered list,unordered list and list item.
3. <font>- to set the text font.
4. <hr>- to draw a horizontal line.
5. <br>- to break the line.
6. <img>- to display the image.
7. <p>- to arrange the paragraph.
8. <h1>- heading tag,to arrange the text size.

HTML- elements without Closing Tags
There are elements that's don't require their formal or commonly closing tags.They have only  opening tag.There are many example  but the most commonly example is line breaking tag .For example
HTML Line Break Code
the above tag is used to break the line .if you write a paragraph or some content and some time we want to stop or end the line and start from  the next line there we need the </br> tag, to break the line.

<img src="image location"/>......Image Tag
</br>- line break
<input type="text" size=""/>..... input field

HTML Links
HTML links are very important,HTML links are defined with the <a> tag.html links plays a very important role for creating web pages  if we create a web page and want to sent the visitors to another page we simply create a link ,
for example ,when you click on the  link given below you visit my site again.
This is a link

 when you click on the link it means you are going to another page but here i link the same page.
but question is that how to create the the link its so simple i want to tell you with the example ,now see



<a href="">
This is a link</a>



Your Result:
Here is the result in a browser:

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