HTML Texareas

By using the<textarea> tag we Embed text  area in html documents.We placed any text between the opening <textarea> tag and closing </textarea> tag,and we also give the user direction "here you can write 100 character here" and this would be an ideal description.


<textarea name="TextArea"cols="15" rows="10">Limit your response to 100 characters.</textarea><br />
<textarea name="TextArea" cols="30" rows="3">Limit your response to 200 characters.</textarea><br />
<textarea  name="TextArea" cols="35" rows="5">Limit your response to 500 characters.</textarea><br />

Your Result:

HTML Textarea Wrap:

In wrap textarea,through wrap attribute we can examine the reaction of the user how at the end fo every row  in the text fields.There are three types of wrapping attribute,theses are given below

  • Soft
  • Hard
  • Off
"Soft" spacing and line breaks are not maintained.
"Hard" It includes spacing and line breaks.
"Off" It ignore all wraping  and places the text into one ogning line.

Example:(text area Word Wrap code)

<textarea cols="20" rows="5" wrap="hard">
 Its a good because we can read every thing clearly. spacing and line breaks are not maintained.

Your Result:

Example:(html text area no word wrap code)

<textarea cols="20" rows="5" wrap="off">
You can see the desired look of you text but  many times word wrapping. So it makes everything simple and easy to read. </textarea> 

Your Result:

HTML text area Disabled
When we want to disabled the text area  to prevent the suffer  from copying,or highlighting  the text field in any way.To set the such type of functionality we  set the Disabled property to "yes".now see


<textarea cols="18" rows="5" wrap="hard" disabled="yes">
You can see the desired look of you text but  many times word wrapping. So it makes everything simple and easy to read.


Your Result:

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